Privacy Policy


JOBWINWIN is fully committed to protecting the information provided by users of its Android, iOS, and WEB applications, ensuring a completely secure browsing experience. The privacy rules aim to describe how your personal information is collected, used, shared, and secured, as well as the options available to you regarding the use, viewing, and correction of this data. Using this application necessarily implies your explicit consent to the terms used by JOBWINWIN for the collection, use, and transfer of your data.

In case of your refusal to the terms allowing the collection, use, or transfer of your information, you can simply contact us by email:, in which case, your account and profile information will be deleted.

To enable you to use JOBWINWIN with confidence, this "Privacy Policy" aims to transparently describe which data is processed by the company JOBWINWIN, how, and why.



I – Type of Data Collected

The data you provide or import.

A – If You Are a Candidate

When creating your account, we collect directly from you or by registering with your personal Google or LinkedIn account:

B – If You Are a Recruiter

II – Use of Your Data

The collected data is used for several purposes:

III – Recipients

IV - Duration of Conservation

The duration of data retention varies depending on the purpose of its collection:

V - Data Security

VI – Your Rights

In accordance with the regulations on personal data, you have the following rights concerning your personal data:

To exercise your other rights with JOBWINWIN or to delete your account:

VII – Data Controller

The company JOBWINWIN is responsible for data processing.

VIII – Update

JOBWINWIN updates its Privacy Policy based on the evolution of the JOBWINWIN Service it offers. Any modification will be binding on Candidates and Recruiters from the date of its publication.