Cookie Policy

The JOBWINWIN Service has been designed to best meet your needs and expectations. For this reason, we use various traffic data collection technologies such as cookies.

I - What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file stored on your device's hard drive (computer, tablet, mobile) through your browser when accessing an online service. Its purpose is to simplify and enhance your navigation on the Application and the Website. You alone choose whether you wish to have cookies stored on your device, and you can easily control the storage of cookies.

Vous seul(e) choisissez si vous souhaitez avoir des cookies enregistrés sur votre appareil et vous pouvez facilement contrôler l'enregistrement des cookies.

II - Cookies used by JOBWINWIN

To provide the JOBWINWIN Service, we use functional and statistical cookies, solely for the purposes defined below.

  1. Functional cookies

The functional cookies used by JOBWINWIN aim to:

- Automatically identify Candidates and Recruiters. These cookies have a storage duration of 13 months.

  1. Analytical cookies

The analytical cookies we issue, allow us to better understand our application and enhance our user experience by establishing statistics and volumes of traffic and usage (sections and contents visited, navigation, etc.).

These cookies have a storage duration of 13 months.

III – Updates

JOBWINWIN updates its Cookie Policy according to the evolution of the service it offers. Any modification will be binding on Candidates and Recruiters from the date of its publication.


This cookies policy can change at any time.